Learn to speak German – A Language is a Friend for Life
Agape School of Education has been providing empowering language instruction to our students since 2006. The design of language programmes for various age groups makes language learning comprehensible, enables students to understand, speak and write the language effectively. Our teachers dedicate their work to convey the love of communicating effectively in the target language.
Get to Know New Cultures and Ways of Thinking
Learning German opens doors. – You’ll be surprised by how many nations this language is spoken. With over 91 million people in 3 countries [Germany, Austria and Switzerland] where the language is a primary mode of communication, learning German can connect you to a global network. Embrace the richness of German-speaking cultures and enhance your opportunities in both personal and professional realm.
Learning German
Learning a new language can be more than a new year resolution. – Be surprised by how learning German can empower you to think differently and getting to know another culture can be enriching. – There are ways to make learning easy and efficient, e.g. by learning German sentences and phrases that are identical to or like English. Make use of audio clips to enhance easy recall. Start with learning to listen and to speak in full sentences at the earliest time.